What is happening to newspapers…?

periodicosThe most popular gurus of the new age of technology have argued that the newspaper era is already ended. Probably, this issue will be discussed by teachers of journalism in the next few years. In my opinion, however, newspapers are living the last period of their lives as we know. In the future they will be another Internet product.

There are several advantages that newspapers offer in contrast with other media, but the time is giving the opportunity to the Internet and it offers better services. In my own experience, the biggest advantage that newspapers have against the other media is that they give a lot of details. They offer more information than the other traditional media but no more than the Internet. All the information can be found and linked on the Internet. In contrast, the newspapers are statics and you can´t read background information or consult special details about something that you don´t know.

Another abstract advantage that newspapers have against other media is that old people feel pleasant complacently when they read papers and they can touch it with their hands. Nevertheless, this characteristic is not shared by younger generations because they understand and use the new technology. Additionally, some people suggest that one of the most important advantages of papers is that they are portable. However, in my opinion this advantage will be disappearing in the near future when new technology will offer affordable Wi-Fi coverage every-where.

Finally, I would say that papers play an important role in the way people live but the actual format as we know will disappear and will change into something free, instantaneous and more ecologic.

  6 comments for “What is happening to newspapers…?

  1. vicky
    17/02/2009 at 20:38

    I totally agree with you in terms of convenience, usability and backwards and forwards of digital medias. However, I think that they have some inconveniences like reading news, articles… thinking they are a trustable source and far from that, they turn to be personal opinions. It’s great to express yourself, but it’s even better to know what you are talking about (so use reliable sources).
    We have to watch out to what we consider news and trues.

  2. 18/02/2009 at 08:52

    Ya te tengo enlazad en mi blog. Me han dicho q word press no es muy bueno pero en fin, si esabas harto de blogger has hecho bien.
    Sobre el asunto de los periódicos yo creo q tienen futuro, pero deben centrarse en la interpretación sosegada frente a la información e inmediatez que quedan relegados para internet. Saludos escocés.

  3. 24/02/2009 at 08:27

    Oye qué periódico escocés lees, mcuál me recomiendas?

  4. cayti
    25/02/2009 at 23:27

    me atrevería a decir que newspapers are already free, at least here in London
    -the lite
    -the london paper

    some say they distribute them to keep the tube in silence so everyone is reading the news.. we’ll never know

    estoy segura que en edinburgo pasa lo mismo
    saludos desde la capital

    lots of love from your sis
    x x

  5. Daniel
    03/03/2009 at 07:46

    Q pasa Jaime, cómo van las cosas por el norte de la isla? Estás aprendiendo inglés?? supongo que estarás liado porque no actualizas el blog eh. A er si ahorro un poco y me voy a verte un finde. Saludos jaume.

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