The most popular gurus of the new age of technology have argued that the newspaper era is already ended. Probably, this issue will be discussed by teachers of journalism in the next few years. In my opinion, however, newspapers are living the last period of their lives as we know. In the future they will…
Anastasia Baburova la 4º periodista asesinada de La Novaya Gazeta
La periodista Anastasia Baburova fue asesinada junto con el abogado defensor de los derechos humanos Markelov, el 19 de enero de 2009. Ambos fueron disparados en la cabeza a plena luz del día en medio de Moscú por unos asesinos a sueldo. Según informan algunas fuentes el encargo fue obra de un grupo de ultraderechistas…
ETA vuelve a las andadas
La banda terrorista lo ha vuelto a intentar. Ha colocado una furgoneta bomba en la puerta de la sede de Ferrovial, en la calle Ribera del Loira. La zona está muy cerquita del Campo de las Naciones, en Madrid, una zona empresarial donde ETA atentó en 2005. Por suerte no ha habido que lamentar víctimas,…
Chesterton and Churchill
G.K. Chesterton was an internationally famous historian, journalist, novelist and wit. At the peak of his powers around 1906, his novels about the Catholic priest/private detective Father Brown sold in thousands. He was an enormously fat man, given to sitting in his London club by himself, and not encouraging any other member to approach.
The Scottish Parliament
Sometimes when you are new in a city, like me in Edinburgh, you are surprised when you see somethingh like this building “The Scottish Parliament”. The issues surrounding its construction may still be under scrutiny. The Spanish architect Enric Miralles has been applauded as much as critized by many. In fact, the controversy brings me…
The oracle myth
Greeks of antiquity believed in every kind of myth. They created a religion based on fantastic stories and with time these stories became history. The Greek mythology tells that destiny was weaved by three old witches called “Parcas”, and only the god´s could change it. That is the cause for the existence of the word…
Diana Clunt!
Diana Fluck was born in Swindon in 1931. When she became England’s answer to France’s Brigitte Bardot and America’s Marilyn Monroe, as a sex bomb on the cinema screen, her agents thought her name was in such obvious danger of mispronunciation that they changed it to Diana Dors. After she had become super-famous in Britain,…
Fíjense lo que creo en la Policía
Tengo Cáncer
Tengo cáncer y estoy en agonía, ya no puedo más, me muero. Mis oncólogos auguran que me queda poca vida, no sé, quizás otros veinte años, porque el tumor que lo ocasionó no para de crecer, y hay ciertas partes de mí que ya no pelean por obstaculizar su avance, como si estuvieran muertas. Según…
Encadenado a la vida de un demonio
Yo no sé qué pensarán ustedes acerca de Dios, el Diablo, los diversos demonios y el Exorcismo, pero yo como siempre me muestro escéptico, es decir, que lo pongo en duda, pero no descarto que pueda ser verdad. Desde luego hay gente que cree en ello, y sobre todo en este país que en un…