Taking risks against banks

take-care1Financial risk depends on the capacity that a person has to assume uncertain investments. Initially, the speculator hopes that the more risk he assumes, the greater will be the return, but bigger the losses might be.

Risk aversion is closely related to the fear that a person has of losing all his money. Banks have a special system to measure the risk of the people that consists of a simple test where they can assess the level of risk that a person is prepared to assume.

I did some of these tests in different banks and the ambiguous questions that they ask is a way that they use to classify me, but in my opinion they don´t represent the reality. The problem of risk is closely related to psychology. In “the Gift of fear” Gavin de Becker wrote some revealing ideas about risk and fear that explain my point of view. “True fear is a gift. It is a survival signal that sounds only in the presence of danger. Yet unwarranted fear has assumed a power over us that it holds over no other creature on Earth. It need not be this way.”

Banks and other investment institutions base their propositions on “rational behavior” that is no more than the degree of uncertainty associated with the return on an asset. The problem is that fear is not closely related to rational behavior. In fact, what Gaver explains is the opposite and has an inverse relation. However, fear is a sign of survival and a natural instinct, but not a rational behavior.

Something that I learnt in my short experience in dealing with banks is that they want to be rich with your money instead of getting rich with you. If you trust that they will take care of your money you are wrong because their first business is you, your mortgage, your credit, your account, and those they can sell to grab you by your balls. Take care with your bank because it will give you the small change that it is earning with you.

  8 comments for “Taking risks against banks

  1. danilovich
    09/03/2009 at 07:54

    I hate banks, every year they demand more commisions. And of course the executives earns huge salaries, and the claim for public money injections. What happens with banks, i want a credit.

  2. vicky
    09/03/2009 at 16:55

    I think banks are always taking advantage of us. I like what you say about banks getting rich with your money not with you.
    The thing is that now they receive injections of money from Goverments and Euribor (cost of money between banks) is very low, so they are getting money free or very cheap, but then they don’t give credits… so this crisis, called 2.0, caused by financial products, most of them invented by banks, will be sufered by everyone except from banks, cause of the actual chaos. Is sad, so sad…

  3. dontfuckmependejo
    11/03/2009 at 23:17

    …y shakespeare se remueve en su tumba
    …y… soy un suVnormal profundo.

  4. 12/03/2009 at 02:07

    Si…??? pues salúdalo de mi parte!!! …Y recuerda: Don´t try to bullshit a bullshiter.

    Gracias Vicky y Dani

  5. dontfuckmependejo
    12/03/2009 at 23:39

    mmmmm. Sweet irony. Creo que a parte de ser yo un suVnormal, bullshitter se escribe asina, como quesu de cabrales. Por cierto, el apóstrofe no es el mismo caracter que la tilde. El apóstrofe es eso que hay después del cero y debajo del signo de interrogación.

    Don’t try to fuck a GiorgyCarola is my boyfriend.

  6. 13/03/2009 at 02:09

    Sí, tienes razón, es “bullshitter”, y gracias por enseñarme donde está el apóstrofe. Ha sido un importante y valioso descubrimiento. Pero ya sabes, don’t try to bullshit a horseshitter.

  7. CGM
    10/04/2009 at 21:56
  8. 29/04/2009 at 16:15

    Sólo para felicitar a todos los colaboradores de periodismoindependiente por su aportación clara y neutral de los temas más relevantes de la actualidad.
    Ahora en México estamos viviendo una época de incertidumbre, debido a la influenza porcina, esto está causando pánico entre la sociedad debido a la falta de información por parte de las autoridades.
    Hay diversos estudios en donde se muestra que aunque es grave esta enfermedad, si existe cura y no debemos de alarmarnos, sin embargo, si tenemos que seguir las recomendaciones que nos hacen.
    Invito a periodismoindependiente.es a comentar acerca de este virus que no sólo está atacando al país azteca, sino también se está expandiendo poco a poco en otros lugares del mundo.
    Saludos, enhorabuena por su sitio.

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